Student Notes

Published on: 1/28/2009

Concordia University

Waukesha students who were named to the 2008 spring semester honor’s list at Concordia University, Mequon, were Katherine Bjerke, Kerrie Kelling, Robert Ladwig, Tabitha Orth and Shelly Podjaski.

Catholic Memorial High School

Waukesha students at CMH who were recently inducted into the National Honor Society were Matthew Calhoun, Erin Davis, Caroline English, Mara Fleckenstein, John Fleming, Elizabeth Frigo, Colleen Hanley, Aubrey Hutchens, Amanda Kapusniak, Carlie Kinsey, Shaun Knapp, Lisa Kohli, Jacob Krause, Bartett Lanham, Gregory Plechaty, Rebecca Rohde, Cynthia Rozmenoski, Kristin Ruekert, Samantha Staskiewicz, Emily Terasa, Molly Tom, Kylie Vanchena, Daniel Walden, DaBin Yeum, Amy Zelko and Amy Zignego.

Marquette University

Waukesha students who graduated this summer from Marquette University, Milwaukee, include: Cassandra Appleton, bachelor’s degree, bioelectronics; Stephanie Bichanich, master’s degree, counseling; Jonathan Ebel, master’s degree, business administration; Colin Lavey, master’s degree, counseling; Caleb Malinowski, bachelor’s degree, history; Jennifer Wangerin, master’s degree, counseling; and Tracy Weckwerth, certificate, professional communication.


Waukesha students who graduated in spring from the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh are Timothy Brust, accounting, finance; Emily Feedar, nursing; Jennifer Feurer, international studies (business); Julie Hoch, nursing; Paul Hogan, marketing; Anthony Memmel, music (music industry – music business, cum laude; Emily Nestingen-Palm, elementary education, special education-cross categorical (CD), magna cum laude; Jessica Ostrowski, nursing; Joshua Poppe, marketing, supply chain and operations management; Lindsay Voll, mathematics (applied); Amanda Woodard, human services; and Luke Zeilhofer, marketing.

Minnesota State University, Mankato

Keara Munson of Waukesha has graduated magna cum laude from Minnesota State University, Mankato. She earned a bachelor’s degree in accounting and finance.


Ryan Lowerr of Waukesha graduated with honors in spring from Milwaukee School of Engineering with a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering technology.


Waukesha students who graduated in August from the University of Wisconsin-Stout were Katharine Cannon, human development and family studies; and Michael Grulke, service management/individualized concentration.


Numerous local students graduated in December from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Among those receiving bachelor’s degrees were, from Waukesha: Paul Baker, Jason Barndt, Tony Bobrov, Brian Bukowski, Michael Clifton, Sean Farchmin, Gregory Haut, Matthew Hensel, Brad Jensen, Nathan Krempel, Caleb Krull, Paul Kuehl, Thomas Lange, Gerardo Lemus, Jarrod Lofgren, Andrew Mathias, Jeremy Matthias, Adam Meulemans, William Murphy, Steven Olenchek, Eric Olson, Brian Rzentkowski, Karl Stonger, Chad Turner, Nickolas Wagner, Anne Birsching, Christina Bloch, Brittany Bowes, Sara Cartwright, Kayte Chesbrough, Erin Clark, Colleen Furey, Jenna Devere, Genna Gulan, Dana Keating, Katy Klessig, Lauren Korthof, Emily Lavine, Stefanie Lenz, Kristin Markowski, Tracy Mischuk, Kayla Pederson, Suzanne Phillips, Lindsey Plencner, Melinda Riojas, Amanda Schaefer, Amanda Schroeder, Alisha Schulz, Rebecca Shefsky, Angela Strohirch, Sunaina Talwar, Sarah Tober, Emily Whitstone, Sherry Will, Jenna Wilson, Kelly Petfalski. Among those receiving master’s degrees were, from Waukesha: Samuel Beebe, Lowell Beede, Sanjay Chawla, Jonathan Horvath, Nanda Kottury, Bradley Schmieding, Ryan Shepeard, Anand Vangipuram, Mitchell Weber, Joseph Whiten III, Anita Ba bu, Liza Dable, Courtney Pickar and Ivy Sturgen.

UW-Eau Claire

Students who received bachelor’s degrees in December from the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire included, from Waukesha, Annah Grossman, health care admiistration; Claire Parda, health care administration; and Ryan Summers, music.

UW-La Crosse

Spring graduates from the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse who earned bachelor’s degrees included, from Waukesha: Doug Kieck, Maggie Lach, Adam Ludwig, Elizabeth Truax, Olivia Canham, Sumner Distasio, Peter Feaman, Scott Guth, Ian Morris, Matthew Nitka, Jason Wedge, Nicole Cahen, Lisa Jung, Adam Wolak, Lindsay Buechel, Steven Enriquez, Amanda Jansen, Stephanie Kirgues, Bryan Ruud. Students earning master’s degrees included, from Waukesha: Allisen Andersen, Christopher Mann, Kathryn Parkhurst-Schulz, Adam White.

Marquette University

Waukesha students who were named to the 2008 fall semester dean’s list at Marquette University are Colin Banyon, Ryan Besserud, Therese Bowes, Timothy Bucher, Kellene Buchwald, Erin Camargo, Steffanie Chojnacki, Elizabeth Cordie, Nicholas Daering, Mary Delaat, Nicholas Doremus, Christopher Ellingsen, Jonathan Ficke, Jena Gomez, Emily Hansen, Jessica Herrick, Rebecca Homann, Alison Kosanke, Julia LaChance, Katherine Leenhouts, Cassandra Meier, Rakesh Mittal, Alex Norwick, Alicia Olsen, Michael Puglisi, Kent Rosenwald, Amanda Sehmer, Michael Thiel, Erin Vermillion and Dean Zsenak.


Waukesha students who were named to the 2008 spring semester at the University of Wisconsin-Platteville are Marc Claas, Timothy Dahms, Anthony Kuenzi, Andrew Lewis, Brandon Pepin and Matthew Seib. Mary Calhoun and Mitch Wolf were named to the dean’s list and the chancellor’s list.

Waukesha students who graduated in December from the University of Wisconsin-Platteville were Mitchel Hofstetter, business administration; Erik Marter, elementary education; Brandon Pepin, communication technologies, magna cum laude; and Eric Sautbine, civil engineering.

St. Norbert College

Waukesha students named to the fall 2008 dean’s list at St. Norbert College, DePere, are Kathryn Botsford, Nathaniel Connell, Laura Damon, Ashley Graybill, Thomas Katzfey, Sarah Lottes, Anna Reardon, Joy Sass and Samuel Spencer.


Anthony Bartolerio and Cassey Hoffmann, both of Waukesha, have been named to the 2008 fall dean’s list at the University of Wisconsin-Superior.

Beloit College

Rachel Fischer of Waukesha has been named to the fall 2008 dean’s list at Beloit College.

Iowa State University

Jenna Nowak of Waukesha has graduated from Iowa State University with a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering.


Lindsay Czisny of Waukesha graduated in December from the University of Wisconsin-Stout with a bachelor’s degree in psychology.

UW-Stevens Point

Leah Doyle of Waukesha graduated cum laude this winter from the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point with a bachelor’s degree in biology.

University of Kansas

Srividya Suryanarayana of Waukesha has earned doctorates in biochemistry and biophysics at the University of Kansas.